Frequently Asked S’Kra Questions
Here are the questions this FAQ will answer:
What is the history of the S’Kra Mur?
The history of the S’Kra is intriguing and complex. A worthy subject to research because it will dramatically enhance the way you see your S’Kra and the way he or she fits into Elanthia.
All the information you need is right here. I gave a Lecture on S’Kra History, which you can read here. You should also read The Ways of the S’Kra Mur, Atrathien's Timeline, Aunt Olma's Tog Story, and The Legend of the World Dragon.
How should a S’Kra Mur act? Do you have any tips on roleplaying S’Kra in the game?
I will some day have an article full of tips on this subject. For now, just read through the information given and try to get a feel for who S’Kra are. Read the stories and the books written about them, and you should get a good idea on your own.
No, S’Kra give birth to live young. Read The Ways of the S’Kra Mur.
Are S’Kra reptiles? Are they cold blooded?
Yes on both counts. S’Kra are indeed reptiles and are cold blooded. They are a type of animal similar to lizards and snakes. What exactly does cold-blooded mean? It means that they do not have an internal mechanism to control their body temperature. If their blood gets too hot, they have to seek shelter from the sun, and if their blood gets too cold, they have to move around to generate heat, or seek out a warmer place. Before you get worried, weather will not affect your S’Kra in the game, but it is something you should consider when roleplaying.
What's a S'kra's tail like? What do they do with them?
A S'kra's tail is a long and slender lizard's tail. If close far enough from the body, it will theoretically grow back slowly, though this is not implemented in the game. Besides, you can always get it healed by a S’Kra Empath or an Empath with the future "wound re-direction" spell. S’Kra also use their tails for mating (of course) and language. To learn how to use your tail's body language in the game, type TAIL HELP.
Finally, S’Kra would not want just anyone grabbing their tail, and tying it in knots is absolutely out of the question. There is no animal with bones in its tail whose tail can be tied in a knot. Additionally, S’Kra tails, like many types of lizards, will snap if such pressure is exerted as would be necessary to bend them far enough to tie in a knot (Ouch!)
Be careful with your tails, people. Don't trust them to your friends. You're libel to get them stepped on or worse, which would not do well for your romance life. <winks>
What about general biology? What do S’Kra look like?
As for our faces, no one yet knows. Not even the GMs. Simutronics has absolutely refused to release any official statement saying whether S’Kra have snouts or ugly human-like faces. GM Shalnhh thought they had snouts when he wrote the books and made the posts, but was later shown a picture done by an artist of, supposedly, his character without a snout, so even he isn't sure. Even the portraits are ambiguous, showing both types.
Anyway, S’Kra do not shed their skin like snakes, they have gecko-like scales that shed one by one slowly and un-perceivably. S’Kra do not have external ears. S’Kra females are reptiles too. They do not have breasts. S’Kra also don't have mammalian, human-like genitalia. If you want to know more about that, read my lizard information for the curious.
S’Kra are lizards, not snakes and do not have forked tongues, smell with their noses, are not poisonous, and have limbs. They are cold blooded, covered with scales, have silted eyes, and don't have hair and would never want to have hair (Bleh.)
Males and females are easy to tell apart by S’Kra, but other races may have trouble if they've not been exposed to them, since they're so different. Similarly, a S’Kra who's never been exposed to mammals might have trouble telling them apart until it was explained how. In any case, the variations are in scale patterns, especially around the eyes, shape of hips and face, and voice. Females are also generally larger than males, but this is not a set in stone rule.
For even MORE information about S’Kra biology, read this post by Shalnhh.
What words do we know from the S’Kra language?
Check out the language
section of my S’Kra Quick Reference.
You may also wish to try out the LANGUAGE verb in the game. This will allow your character to speak in S’Kra so that only other S’Kra can understand them.
What sort of actions can S’Kra do in the game?
The actions that S’Kra (or hairless people in general) can do are as follows: (replace any words between angle brackets (<>) with the term they designate.
Chirr - A noise S’Kra make when they're pleased or content. Being kissed by your sweetheart or biting into a juicy steak would be good times.
Purr - Doesn't really purr. Instead it makes a clucking noise made in the back of the throat. No one really knows what this is.
Flirt <your name> - Since S’Kra don't have eyelashes to bat, this will, instead allow you to bear your cute little lizard fangs. Sexy!
Hiss - This lets you hiss. S’Kra do this when angry or trying to be threatening... OR when they're happy and laughing. Keeps them mammals guessing.
Hiss At <your name> - This will allow you to hiss in frustration.
Hiss At <person's name> - This will allow you to hiss at someone specifically.
Hiss <message> - This will allow you to hiss a message, much like speaking. S’Kra do this when they're either losing their temper, or, when they're really happy. Just think of it as loosing control of your tongue for a moment.
Hiss S - This will allow you to make an odd coughing noise…
Snarl <your name> - This will allow you to lash your tail in agitation!
Pull <your name> - This will allow you (or any other hairless person) to rub their scalp in agitation.
Tail <emote> - This will allow you to use your tail's body language with your speech. Type "TAIL HELP" in the game to learn all about it.
Language S’Kra - This will allow you to speak in S’Kra so that only other S’Kra will be able to understand you. Type LANGUAGE COMMON to switch back so everyone knows what you're saying.
How do S’Kra mate? Can they mate with people of other species?
S’Kra cannot mate with people of other species because they do not have the right parts. They also don't really see them as attractive. If you're going to roleplay a relationship with someone who's not a S’Kra, make sure you realize that you're in an uphill battle and you're going to have to like them based only on their personality as you don't share any biological attraction to one another (sort of like your chances as a human of falling madly in love with a crocodile based on sexual attraction). Also, S’Kra are not as long lived as Elves, Dwarves, Gnomes, or Elothians, so I wouldn't recommend a relationship with any of them unless you want your love to watch you grow old and die while they stay young.
For more information, read my lizard information for the curious.
Are S’Kra poisonous? Are S’Kra snakes or lizards?
S’Kra are neither lizards nor snakes, but are similar to both. If you're thinking evolution, perhaps the common ancestor of lizards and snakes branched into what became S’Kra and the predecessor to both lizards and snakes. They absolutely do have arms and legs and are supposed by some (with whom S’Kra will definitely disagree) to be descended from the Black Molloky'i of the badlands according The Ways of the S’Kra Mur. They also are not poisonous and do not have snake-like fangs or tongues (They do, however, have both fangs and tongues. Just not snake style ones). They cannot un-hook their jaws or strangle things with their tails or any other odd characteristic associated with snakes.
For more information, read the other biology related questions.
Can S’Kra grow back their limbs?
S’Kra can only, theoretically, grow back their tail if severed far enough away from the body. Just like any lizard, they cannot regenerate their other limbs, and no form of natural healing or regeneration (or even tail wounding, for that matter) exists in the game. Bear in mind as well that when real lizards re-grow their tails, the resulting appendage has no bone, only cartilage, and also loses its original pattern ending up looking ugly and disjointed. You do NOT want to lose your tail ever... seek empathic help if you do!
When a S’Kra is officially declared smozh, they undergo a ceremony in which their tail is broken off too close to their body for it to be grown back, and they do something to it to make it un-healable as well.
What are the S’Kra Clans and how do I join one?
You can read about the various clans here.
Since clans are currently not implemented in the game, you, as the player of your S’Kra, must simply decide upon the history you wish your S’Kra to have a chose which clan they were born in. There is also the option of saying your S’Kra came from the islands, in which case they are not from a clan. Clans are merely cities, and any differentiation between them, culturally, is simply from the evolutionary process of separation.
Is that book about Togball true? Did the Gor'togs rebel?
No, "The history of Togball" was written by a player and is fiction. The Gor'togs were quite happy being servants to the S’Kra people. The S’Kra did not see this as cruel because they, and the rest of the world, considered them to be particularly intelligent trolls. They then captured them and bred them for strength and endurance so they could work like any other beast of burden. Later, however, S’Kra were ravaged by a particularly harsh winter and were forced to turn out the Gor'togs. The 'togs then wandered and found the Dwarves who filled their minds with hatred of us, their "slave drivers," before putting the 'togs to work in their own mines. Since it was voluntary, it didn't even occur to them that they were doing the same thing they'd always done.
Do S’Kra hiss everything they say?
No, S’Kra only hiss when they're agitated in some way, whether it be extreme anger or extreme delight. A S'kra's laugh is said to have a hissy sound to it, and they are also known to hiss when they're angry. Just think of it as your emotions making you lose precise control of your tongue like an accent.
Can I say something in S’Kra so that only other S’Kra will understand me?
Yes, type LANG S'KRA in the game and everything you say will, thenceforth, be in the S’Kra language and only S’Kra will understand you. To switch back, type LANG COMMON.
You can also use the tail verb to enhance your speech. Type TAIL HELP in the game to learn how.
No, sharpening claws is considered taboo (A ban or an inhibition resulting from social custom or emotional aversion.) by S’Kra. Infants have a natural tendency to sharpen them, but are deterred from birth.
There are many contradictions within DragonRealms due to the fact that the areas, verbs, items and systems are written by so many people. Just because your towel or hair ribbon says you have hair doesn't mean you really do. This is just an oversight by the designer.
If you do notice a verb, place, item, etc. that just doesn't make sense. Please write me an E-mail so I can add it to my list of requested changes. Thanks!
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That's easy. :) Just send me an E-mail.