Zekris' S’kra History Lecture
S’kra are not mammals.
S’kra do not have mammalian genitalia.
S’kra do not lay eggs.
S’kra do not sweat.
S’kra do not shed their skins all at once.
S’kra are cold blooded.
S’kra cannot mate and have children with other races.
Tails are long and slender.
Tails can not stand the stress of a whip-like motion.
Tails re-grow if severed.
Tails cannot grasp things.
S’kra have 5 fingers on each hand.
S’kra have claws.
S’kra have human like legs.
S’kra die much faster of hypothermia.
S’kra are omnivorous.
S’kra have a poor sense of smell.
S’kra have a fair sense of hearing.
S’kra have a "proximity sense."
S’kra vision degrades seriously with age.
S’kra gender can be determined by subtle differences in bone structure of the face and hips.
S’kra gender can be determined by scale patterns of the face and neck.
S’kra gender can be determined by voice.
S’kra females are slightly larger then males on average.
S’kra have no mammary glands, i.e. breasts.
Bending a tail can result in soreness and numbness.
Bending a tail too far will cause it to snap.
S’kra can sit in normal chairs provided their tails are to subject to discomfort or excessive stress.
S’kra do not suffer discomfort in what would be considered excessive heat.
Society & behavior
For a S’kra to become romantically/ physically involved with another race is not socially acceptable.
Dead heroes join the Wind clan.
S’kra males & females can be naked from the waist up, but it's kind of improper not to be fully clothed as S’kra tend to clothe themselves head to toe nearly all the time.
S’kra generally favor loose, flowing garments and lots of jewelry.
The ultimate dishonor is being rendered "tailless" or smozh in a rarely-performed ritual.
There is a major taboo against sharpening claws.
S’kra tend to sleep on their sides.
S’kra prefer to sleep in loose sand or in hard beds or on the ground covered with padding.
S’kra mostly prefer meat.
Eating other races is seriously criminal. Offenders are usually made tailless, put to death, or both.
A S’kra gives his ru'at complete trust and compete honesty, and expects the same form them.
The privileges of trust and honest are not conferred on q'alrin unless they are earned nor are such things expected form them.
There is nothing dishonorable about lying too, stealing from, or cheating an outsider, assuming it profits the S’kra more then it harms the outsider.
S’kra are especially disliked by humans.
With a few words you can either ingratiate yourself with at S’kra or alienate him.
Killing innocents, with or without a specific and valid reason, is a way to be declared smozh.
Killing a single person in a position of power is a merciful way to prevent war or suffering.
Ushnish made intelligent, deadly reptilians to harass and torment the Humans.
Hav'roth looked at the creatures and gave them the gifts of the mind: language, relativity, and magical talent.
Peri'el gave S’kra the gives of the tail: honor, love, and pride (heart).
Culture based on agricultural aristocracy of warriors and mages with a habit of raiding nearby clans.
Nine Clans emerged and many of our traditions were established.
Enslaved the Gor'togs.
Culture transformed - spent energies learning and perfecting other arts:
Graceful, languorous dancing style known as sarhhtha.
Lore of herbs for healing, spices, poison, and other uses.
Developed our own fencing style.
Created a type of asymmetrical ornamentation witch enjoyed a brief popularity with the other races.
Economy expanded and shifted from crafts and trade.
Long Winter, lasted three years and devastated our people.
Turned out Gor'togs.
Numbers decimated by starvation and cold weather.
Joined Elves in Elven-Human War for a large bribe.
Bowed out after 6 years and the destruction of the Wind Clan.
Humans won and called conclave of all races.
Empire of the Seven-Pointed Star formed.
S’kra did not fit into empire very well.
S’kra were not sad when the empire fell.
Dragon Priests are blamed on us... they sacrifices Humans and others to appease the World Dragon.
HH is the "uh" or "eh" sound in most other languages.
ZH is negative, i.e. Smolg is tail, Smozh is tailless.
Poho |
Honored Lord/Lady |