Shalnhh: General Information about S'kra
This message board post contains very interesting information about S'kra society and day to day life. A must read.
Shalnhh: S'kra Clans
This message board post is an excellent resource for anyone looking to choose a clan for their S'kra character, and for everyone who is curious about S'kra.
Shalnhh: S'kra Marriage, Clans, & Social Structure
In this E-mail message, GM Shalnhh expounds about these important facets of S'kra society.
Shalnhh: S'kra Picture Opinion
This includes a picture showing the shape of a S'kra body sent to Shalnhh by Zekris, and his responce to it.
Atrathien's Timeline -- S'kra Style!
This is an edited version of Atrathien's timeline, as recorded by Pentaith, which contains only information relevant to S'kra. Good for putting things into perspective.