Official Player Doc Excerpt

S'kra Mur - S'kra Mur are a snakelike race who may or may not be related to the Gor'Togs. Over the years they have evolved into humanoids, but still retain many of the snake-qualities alongside the human ones. Suave and sure, S'kra are a proud people and though tending to be stronger and more agile than intelligent or wise, yet they have produced great thinkers and wise men that rival any race, even the Elotheans.

  | Str. | Ref. | Agil. | Char. | Disc. | Wis. | Int. | Stam.
S'Kra Mur | -1 | -1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | +1 | +1 | 0

Remember: a positive value means it costs that race *more* TDPs than normal to train in that area and a negative value means it cost *fewer* TDPs than normal to train in that area.